New version 1.0.7 with "translations" to English

Hello all,

the new build 1.0.7 of Deathlord Relorded is up. The big feature is `F10` that toggles between the pseudo-Japanese and English, for races, classes and items.

Races and classes are pretty clearly defined and the "translations" are quite obvious. For example, a Toshi is clearly an Elf. On the other hand, items are more difficult to map 1-for-1. So I took some liberties and renamed the items for the English version, looking at their class use and power.

You could always choose to change the translations if you so wanted. To do so, look inside the folder "Assets" for the file "InventoryList.csv". Inside it, you can change the text in the English column to what you prefer. DO NOT modify the Japanese column, it is the key to translating the names.

As a reminder, you can also in that file modify the attributes of the items so you could make an illusionist carry and use a Katana, for example.

Have fun,



Deathlord Relorded 1.1.0 12 MB
Version 1.0.7 Oct 27, 2023

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