Small update to fix Scenario B

Some players have found that the scenario B disk doesn't work. This update publishes a new scenario B disk. If you are having problems when it says "insert scenario B" while the scenarios are in the drive, quit the game. Then copy the file `Images/Deathlord Scenario B.nib` to your Windows `Saved Games/Deathlord Relorded` folder inside and overwrite the one that is there. Then relaunch the game and it should work fine.

I am working on v2.0 of DLRL that will have a single disk image, getting rid of all the disk swapping and significantly simplifying the whole backup procedures. There are still a few bugs that we need to squash before it can go live. (note: the saved games will probably not be compatible, but I'll work on something to get players to bring their parties up without the grind)

Files 16 MB
Version 1.1.0b 11 days ago

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